Sep 17, 2017

So I saw El Cuaderno de la Muerte: The Netflix movie

The only good thing I xan say about it is having Wilhelm Dafoe voicing Ryuk. Light being now one of the Naked Brothers band is lame. The americanization did a lot more harm than I thought.
No potato chips were TAKEN AND EATEN!
so, in a nutshell it sucked so much ass that it turned itself inside out and began the ass sucking process all over again.
So death note not exactly the main theme of this rant even though death note is in the title. That's just a setup for the main rant.
As I dozed of for a few seconds, I had a small dream. Shenmue the live action movie...
An American live action movie.
Ryan Hoskins is your average American kid who happens to live in Japan because his father, Ivan Hoskins opened a dojo in Japan. Mr. Hoskins is killed by a Chinese guy named Lan Di. Now Ryan is hellbent on revenge. His best friend, Hope, a Japanese-Canadian girl tries to stop him from going through that path, but ends up being kidnapped by Lan di's underlings.The shenmue experience, americanized made me almost throw up, which woke me from the Nightmare...
I'm afraid something like this happens thanks to Shenmie being a sort of hot topic.

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