Feb 19, 2015

Whatever happened to that Max Steel Movie?

I recall something about a Max Steel Movie being Filmed. I even heard that Andy García was involved in it... Something something the movie was meant to be released sometime this year...

There seems to be NOTHING GOING ON WITH THIS MOVIE... It's almost as if it was shelved... like the Roger Corman Fantastic Four movie...

I never got to see the second season of Max Steel... It was never aired on Disney XD...
Toys are reaching the clearance bins... I'll bite once they reach the We'll pay you but just take them, PLEASE!! Bins... and that's uncertain since I'll be getting a 200X Roboto head with the upcoming 200X mini sub, so I've no real need for a Max Steel head.

All of this effort put in for nothing? I kinda wanted to see the movie... I mean it couldn't have been as bad as Battleship... could it? Hopefully we'll hear something on Spring 2015.

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