Aug 19, 2014

Club Eternia only reached 90% Subs will be extended for the weekend.

We did not make it... We were 10% short of the goal.
Here's a message from Neitlich:
Hey He-Fans and She-Ravers,
We are sooooo close! 2015 subs ended with about 90%. A great showing but not quite close enough to go forward. With the end of the vintage line (redone in Classics) in question, we truly do believe in our fan base. We’re going to reopen the subs for an extension window from Friday, 8/22 at 9:00 a.m. PT through Monday, 8/25 at 11:59 PT.
Now is the time to rally! If everyone who sub’d last year would renew, we’d be golden. If you’re on the fence or were thinking of cherry-picking, remember… if the sub does not get that last critical 10% there won’t be a line to cherry-pick.Club Eternia
So please, let’s all come together! All MOTU fans of all eras truly make Classics the greatest MOTU (if not all brands) toy line of all time! I know we can do it! If you’re holding out, remember, unlike any previous year you pretty much know exactly who you’re getting, with our absolute promise to finish the vintage MOTU line, MOTU variants, original POP characters, and A-list New Adventures and media characters.
Let’s come together and make this happen! We really believe in our fans, and we’ve got one last chance. All our cards are on the table… it’s time to go all in!
Subscriptions open Friday, 8/22 at 9:00 a.m. PT through Monday, 8/25 at 11:59 PT.
Here’s (hopefully) to a great 2015!
Scott “ToyGuru” Neitlich

So, we have ONE MORE WEEKEND to get that Final 10%...

I'm confused: Why not open the subs tomorrow or Thursday to make sure we reach that extra 10%?
Right, we're dealing with Digital River.

If you haven't subbed up, do so... It would royally suck to have the line end without Angella (the last Core Rebellion Member and completes POP's Wave 1), Multibot (who should be able to fuse with Modulok to create MEGABEAST!!), Dragstor who would help Complete the Horde, Blast Attack and Sssqueeze to complete the Snakemen, Saurod to complete Both the Evil Warriors AND the "Movie Trio".

Do we need to end the line with Plundor and Nepthu and miss out on the remaining characters that are needed to complete rosters?

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