Feb 11, 2014

Flutterina: The Rant. *UPDATED!*(2/13/14)

Flutterina... I must admit that I am absolutely clueless about Flutterina.
She's a Wave 2 PoP Character... She's Fairy-like... She kinda looks like Psylocke before the Kwanon-Merge...

It's a bit hard to be excited about the big Butterfly girl when you don't know anything about her. Give me 22 Minutes. I'm going to watch the PoP Episode with Flutterina's first appearance, of course! The Episode's name is: Out of the Cocoon... Get it? She's a Butterfly girl and Butterflies come out of their cocoons after they change from Caterpillars...

And we start the episode with a pissed off Glimmer! It's a season 2 Episode, she has every right to be pissed because on this season they start pushing her to become best background pon... er, Rebel! Fu... Dammit! We got the Pachyderm Loser on this Episode. He's trying to wet Glimmer... Dumbass ruined the Flowers. I think I got sidetracked! I'm not here to discuss the episode, it's Learn about Fluttershy! That way I can make y'all interested in her and buy her if you didn't buy the Sub! This episode also reminds me that Glimmer is dumb... Makes you wonder how she was a Leader of the Rebellion in the first place.
Before you think you've reached Bizarro world, hear me out. This is all part of the Adora Conspiracy. By making Glimmer seem dumb, they're basically cementing the need for Adora to Lead the Rebellion. Same Way that Teela is dumb as bricks in MOTU... Or Bow in POP as well. I think I'll shut up about Glimmer and focus on Flutterina... the object of Today's rant. Holy Crap on a Trollan! There are Gray Skysleds in Etheria!!
I know I said I wouldn't comment on the episode but...
So they capture She-Ra using the power of the sun and put her in a seemingly underground dungeon. Now we see a Brunette servant girl/slave mopping the floor. Apparently, this is Flutterina's Caterpillar stage. OK So Flutterina starts off as a normal Human looking Servant girl who got hit by a sunbeam that put her in a coma. Then she became a blunt. After getting high on Sunshine and Lightning She became Flutterina and her voice changed. Bow's first reaction to Flutterina is shwing! Also, they beat the Condor dude by flapping Flutterina and Swifty's wings. But what about Glimmer? Well she learned her lesson and sent a letter to the Princess... wrong show! We got that Judgmental Squirrel to remind us of the Lesson and ask if we saw him... The answer is no. I wasn't looking for that Douche Nozzle!

So that's pretty much it For Flutterina... Well there's the NU52 Flutterina... How can I describe her role in the new Continuity...

Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen; DC Comics killed Flutterina in her first appearance. Using a Reverse Aeris Maneuver.

So, Flutterina: Stab-able Butterfly Girl from the Second Wave of Princess of Power. Mattel and Filmation gave me very little material to work here. Her Fairy-Like Appearance is the closest thing I have as a positive to work with. I have a bit of trouble with her because:
POP has 3 Flyers (Angella, Sweet Bee and Flutterina)
Angella has Magic and Sweet Bee can make weird nets/ladders... Flutterina can flap her wings, control butterflies and shrink herself to Butterfly size. (based on her other appearances after her origin episode)

Wait... wait a freaking Minute! Flutterina is basically the Antman of Princess of Power!! THIS is the OOMPH! She needed to become awesome in my eyes! YES!! NOW I can welcome Flutterina into my collection. Now I need to figure out WHERE I can find a swarm of butterflies in the 1:12 scale to have on my display.
I hope that the "Bio Writing Team" mention her Ant-Man-like powers of shrinking and controlling Butterflies.

So, in any case I welcome Flutterina in classics, especially now that I can see her potential to coolness.
I just wish her wings had the little butterfly wing veins... (I googled it) like Buzz-Off does, because right now the wings look like they are made out of craft foam...

*UPDATE!!* It was recently brought to my attention that Flutterina has an origin story in her cardback:

One night long, long ago, I dreamed  that I was a beautiful butterfly surrounded by flowers of every shade. I flew from blossom to blossom, and with each one I touched, a little of its color rubbed off on me.When I awoke , I had wings as bright as a rainbow! Now I pretend to be a butterfly and secretly follow Catra wherever she goes. when I hear her planning to make trouble, I fly away to warn She-Ra.

Well, I don't know what to say about this... Dammit, Mattel!! You had to CRAM the You can Pretend into everything She-Ra! Now I'm not sure if Flutterina was a normal girl who suddenly woke up with wings, or if she always had them and discovered she can shrink herself. I guess I have to re-enact this origin with the toys...

Just replace Peter with Flutterina.

I guess I will stick to the Flutterina = Antman, but use this whole Spying on Catra thing... I will most definitely NOT use anything from her NU52 version.

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