Feb 22, 2014

Do we need a 200X Mini sub?

Recently I made a case for a Mini-Sub based on New Adventures of He-Man. In the name of Fairness in the Factions, I'm going to consider looking at the idea of a 200X Sub. I still stand by my belief that New Adventures needs the Extra Sub slots more than any faction. Now 200X has a little problem:
Variants, Variants everywhere!

Now how to make a 200X Mini Sub appealing WITHOUT stuffing it with Variants?

We already have the cooler 200X Characters like Marzo, Faceless One, Dactus and Carnivus.

I've already ranted on how a 200X Evil Seed is easy to make. He's the one I'd start this theoretical sub with. Simply because he's easier to make than his Filmation counterpart. (Also he's an easy 200X Slot) I'd make Him the SUB Exclusive.

I'd follow Evil Seed (Sub Exclusive) with Hawke. While she has a Filmation version that is easy to do as well, this is a 200X List.

New Head
BG Teela Torso
Shield Maiden Loincloth
Scorpia Shoulders
Adora Biceps
New Forearms with wings
Teela hands
Teela 1.0 Thighs
Double Trouble Shins
New Feet (Reuseable on Veena)

Kulatak Elder
New head
Furry Beast Buck
Preternia Loincloth
New Hands
Demo-Man feet
New Furry "Armor" (Like Beastman)
New Weapon (Kulatak Elder Staff)

New Head obviously
She needs a new Torso to attach her wings
New Armor
Adora arms with Teela Forearms
New Loincloth
Teela 1.0 Legs
New Shins
Hawke' feet.

Prahvus: (Deluxe item like POP's December)
New Head
Normal Buck
New Forearms
New Right Fist
New Armor/Cape
Preternia Loincloth
King Grayskull boots
Extra Accessory: Odiphus (Reuses Kowl's arms)

Queen Andreeno:
New Head
New Torso Armor
The Torso to plug wings on it
Scorpia Shoulders
Adora Biceps
Scorpia Forearms and hands
New Crotch and Loincloth with hole on back to plug the Insect "Butt Piece" (Repaint from Modulok)
Adora Thighs
New Feet
New Bee Wings
New Ambrosia piece
New "Ambrosia Powered Buzz-Off" Head (200X Head for Buzzy)

New Heads (Normal 200X Looking Ceratus head and one based on whiplash's Vintage head)
New Torso "Armor"
Whiplash Torso
Whiplash's upper tail plug
New Lower Tail
Snakeface Shoulders and Biceps
New Forearms
Draego-Man Hands
Marzo Loincloth
Whiplash Thighs
New Shins
Whiplash Feet
New Weapon

I did have some problems trying to fill this one in WITHOUT Relying into variants (I was very tempted to toss in Sorceress, Snakeaneck, Roboto, Adam and Teela.
I felt like I was scraping the bottom of the barrel with Queen Andreeno and Kulatak Elder, but Randor's council and all that helped me find some value with them. this one was a lot harder to fill since I couldn't rely on the Toyline because we have ALL the figures from that line in classics (Not counting variants or the SLIME MUTANT) I avoided using the ABC Giants since a Sub with 3 Giants would mean DEATH to it without it even starting. So, I added Evil Seed to fill up the ranks of the Council of Evil. Prahvus was used as a sensible excuse to release Odiphus. So, to answer my own question, NO. We do not need a 200X Mini Sub. Getting Evil Seed and Veena would fill most of the holes easily.
Queen Andreeno and Elder Kulatak are talking heads... cool looking, but talking heads do not sell toys, especially at 40+ a pop... I had to take out guys like Sortech from my list since they're a talking head and a Large Scale Item to boot. I couldn't find a way to shove the Oracle in this. I avoided the variants because of Neitlich's idea of "Maximizing slots" therefore instead of wasting slots on variants, let's use them on new characters... I just couldn't find many that were super Appealing.

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