Sep 16, 2013

Nerf toys for GIRLS!?

Really? We have gotten to the point that girls need Nerf guns SPECIFICALLY MADE FOR THEM!?

Let me put on hoop earrings and tons of makeup to talk about this crap.
It's sexist crap! It really is! OK, so Nerf's main target audience is usually boys

It has been for years, and I've seen plenty of girls buying the guns and actively playing. Which would defeat my point at first glance. If girls already are buying the existing guns, bows, etc. then WHY DO THEY NEED Nerf Weapons SPECIFICALLY MADE FOR THEM!? (BTW, that Heartbreaker Bow requires more strength to fire than I expected) There's a few things that bug me about that... Just take a look at the commercial...

Am I the only one who sees a "Hunger Games" vibe to the ad? Like they're trying to make little Katnisses put of you if you buy the Rebelle stuff? Obviously the Rebelle is a portmanteau of Rebel and Belle... Cause it's for girls, you know! They need to make it Ultra obvious with the girly name, colors, and designs that look like pop art that is tacked on some boy band poster, cause it's for girls! The thing that bugs me is that instead of making commercials for Nerf products that embrace both girls and boys alike, we're separating them. Instead of going forward for more gender neutral Nerf stuff, we're separating the rift. THAT is what pisses me off... I'm sorry, but it's just backwards to have Nerf fall into the sex-segregation trap in the 21st Century...

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