Aug 24, 2013

DareDevil is now Batman

Yes, you heard me Ben Affleck... not to be confused with the Aflac duck... is now the God damned Batman... Insert Mandatory Matt Damon for Robin joke here. The internet is full of Affleck-hate right now...

This gives me an excuse to use the overplayed Evanesence song from a crappy Affleck movie!

Electric Nachos: She loves beating the crap out of the Handicapped... Just ignore that Matt Murdock has super powers for a minute and see this scene as a normal bystander... she comes out here as a bully.

Sorry, back on topic. He COULD Pull it off, but do we want Mr. Gigli as the Bat Shaped Crutch? I think he's better for Superman than Batman. Wait... didn't he say that he never wanted to play superheroes ever again?
Ben Affleck said it was humiliating... but is now going to do it?
Interesting. He's working out two hours a day to get in shape... Batfleck is happening! Sadly, the biggest overreaction to these news has been deleted. Someone made a petition to the White House to stop Batfleck from Happening... Since this is Happening, I suggest Jason Mewes as the Riddler and Kevin Smith as the Penguin!

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