Aug 1, 2013

Clamp Champ is a Murderer

We saw the Mini Comic where Duncan was Murdered in Cold Blood by Clamp Champ.

Alright, now that I have my theme music we can begin.

First let us look at the basic info. The defendant was struggling with the victim. He then stabbed the Victim with his Capture Claw.

He-Man volunteered himself for this experiment by wearing a spare Armor from Duncan. Strobo used the Actual Capture Claw that the Accused had at the moment of the Murder.

Something doesn't add up here... The Capture Claw is blunt at the front end, EVEN when the claws are in their clamping position. The Prosecution's evidence is a LIE!! TAKE THAT!!

Clamp Champ is innocent. The real Criminal is... ♠

Seriously, why couldn't Duncan retire from the active role of General and live a quiet life until he kicked the bucket Naturally... without any Clamp induced death... I glanced over the stupid deaths on the Neitlichverse comics before, but the Clamp Champ figure PROVES Clamp Champ's innocence!

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