Jun 24, 2013

Ernest... LIVES!?

Ernest P. Worrell... The Adorable character from various ads from the 80s...

But better known to most people through his movies.

Well, the guy playing Ernest, Jim Varney, passed away many years ago... Hence the change in Slinky Dog's voice in Toy Story 3.

You know what's the creepy thing? there are STILL some ERNEST COMMERCIALS AROUND!!

WHAT IN THE SEVEN HELLS IS THIS!? THIS... THIS... ABOMINATION!!! Yeah! That's the only word I can think to describe this... this thing!!

Here's the thing. I'm well aware of Ernest's Advertising origins. The Late Jim Varney pretty much peddled a lot of stuff using the Ernest character, but this CG Ernest feels WAY Off... Could you picture a CG Billy Mays pitching stuff? No... the answer is no, even if you can visualize a CG Billy in your head!!
Seriously, people making these CG Ernest ads... STOP IT!! You're taking a diarrhea dump on Mr. Varney's legacy!

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