May 28, 2013

Why is the universe against me reading!!

Seriously!! I've been feeling like crap these last few days. Got a cold and my nose gets stuffy at times and makes me sound whiny... Kinda like Ray Romano, a bit more high-pitched... but just as whiny...

(I've been saving this for a rainy day... like today!)
OK, so I sound whiny, and it's been raining. Ate some Chicken soup, got a fleece blanket... (Snuggies are for douchebags!!) grabbed A Game of Thrones and began to read... Until the power went out. Due to the awful weather I didn't have a decent amount of natural light to read without straining my eyes. The power comes back a few hours later. The Cold Medicine kicks in and makes me sleepy. Slept for a few hours and now I have no idea where I placed the book!! Now that I have Power AND a well lit room perfect for reading... and I'm not sleepy... UGH!!!

Problem is that once I start a Book I can't read any others until I finish that one... (When I'm reading for my own pleasure.) I'm sure that it'll appear when I'm not looking for it...

Meanwhile The Fighting Foe Men shall arrive around Friday... yay! (the next It Came from the Toy Chest shall be written unless I get my normal voice back!)

Now, unto the book... I was ALMOST done with the first book... I'll be honest, it's been a bit of a drag to read, but I LIKE The story... Not sure if starting with the HBO Adaptation before reading the book was a good idea. Now I NEED to finish the book cause, as Lord Stark said: Winter is coming...
(It's almost summer and it doesn't feel like Summer is coming...) In any case I leave you with Ponies (they return in Winter... Ned Stark knows Ponies are coming)

Please do not post spoilers, cause I've still need to read 4 more books!

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