Jun 1, 2012

hey what the!? Zombies? Cannibals? Olsen Twins?

Justin Bieber fainted like a pokémon and suffered a concussion... Apparently he is his own worst enemy now... Hopefully Selena Gomez knows a spell to protect the Bieber... Hey! I got nothing... OK! I could have rolled the Bieber dies on CSI clip... but I didn't. Taking the high road and all that.

Naked man eats off another man's face and is shot by the police... Kinda sounds like an opening cut scene for a Resident Evil game, don't it? Sadly, this is real... Seriously, what is it with Cannibals these days?

I Knew Elmo was EVIL!! but seriously, I did NOT expect this! Sesame Street songs were used as a torture mechanism...

With that playlist I'd talk and take the blame for it... don't blame me for showing you true evil...

Michelle from Full House is dating a super old guy for her age... He's just the brother of a former French President... I'm talking about Mary-Kate Olsen... Still it's a bit creepy... She looks 15 and the guy looks like he's on his 50s... He looks like he could be her father... What's the male counterpart for a Cougar? That guy! Must resist urge to not make a "you got it dude!" reference!

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