Mar 28, 2011

Superman Reboot news and stuff.

Superman is getting a Reboot! Thank God!! After the mess that was Superman Returns, I welcome a Reboot! Even if it's with the director of Watchmen and the Producer is the Director of Batman Begins and Inception... Heck! I'll take anything to help me forget Super Stalker deadbeat dad. Yes I absolutely LOATHED Superman Returns! Mainly because of the reason I used to highlight its trailer... Also Kate Bosworth was the most unbelievable (in a bad way) as Lois Lane.
Enough of that! I'm starting to get a bad aftertaste just by talking about that movie.

As I said: Superman is getting a reboot thanks to the Director of Watchmen!

So far The cast is:
Kevin Costner is allegedly Pa Kent.

I got to say that all of this is looking good! (Not too hot on the Costner thing, but everything else seems cool!)
As long as the story, the suit,and the SFX don't suck, I'm excited.
What do I mean by those:
-Story: This one is simple enough. It's Superman, not Superdeadbeat dad/Superstalker Ex boyfriend!
-The Suit: The Superman suit is hard to get wrong, somehow Superman Returns managed to screw it up! It was a cool looking suit but it was Superflawed!
The Dark Colors don't suit Superman! There were TOO MANY \S/ on the costume... Using the S shield as a pattern to give the suit some texture reeks of Designer douchebaggery... Heck Superman had 3 S shields on the sole of his shoes... The only place where Superman needed an Extra S Shield was the Only place they did NOT put it... (Hint: the Cape!)
THE Chest Emblem being THAT 3D ruined the notion that Clark Kent hides his Super suit UNDER his Civilian clothes!

Hopefully this new suit won't do any of those... or worse!
-The Effects: well Super Crappy CGI that looks awful even for early 90s standard would be the way to screw this up!

Now I'll be on a wait and see mode with this movie!

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